1  – How much does a designer earn when his logo is approved in the contest ?
You will find this information within your  profile  when you join  Freelance Designer .

  – How many logo designs can be submitted in a contest ?
A (01) design is mandatory, however you can send a maximum of three (03) designs, as this will help you present different concepts and hire you faster.

  – How will the designer be paid in case of approval ?
If the user is in  Venezuela  and the payment was made in  Bolívares,  a bank transfer  to the winner of the contest, if the payment was made in  foreign currency  the same will be paid via transfer with the payment gateway  PAYPAL and will notify the user when the transfer has been made.

  – How to know who has been the winner of the contest in force ?
After interacting with the client, and that contractor has already selected the winner of the contest, a message will be automatically sent which will arrive in the inbox of all the designers participating in the project indicating who has been the winner of the same.

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 – How do I keep abreast of new design contests in Freelance?
Each project that receives  Freelance Designer , will automatically be sent an email to the designers that meet the client’s requirement.

  – How do I know if my profile meets all of its policies ?
It is very easy to work in  Freelance Designer , you only have to fill all the fields that are  MANDATORY  in your profile, and at the time of publishing a  design contest  will take into account the best profiles (text, images, works and plans).
It is imperative that you avoid plagiarism of any kind, as your account will be removed and all fees will be decimated and returned to the client.

  –What benefits do I have when owning a Freelance Pass account ?
You will get exclusive access to the best contests with this program, which will allow you to work on the best projects when you hire  www.diseñ . Only the best Freelancers  will be accepted to join our  Freelance Pass program .

 – Can I cancel my membership ? 
You can register or simply cancel your membership at any time without additional charges and automatically your account will be removed from our database.